Thursday, May 30, 2019
Volunteers, please submit your July and August "Can't Serve" dates into Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) by Friday, June 14th. For questions on how to do this, please see your ministry team leader. Thank you!
This year’s Harmony will take place on Saturday, June 15th from 10 am—9 pm at the Menominee band shell. Come join this free event and hear from a variety of speakers and bands, including Pastor Duncan & North Shore’s worship band! Please be in prayer for this wonderful event and plan to join us for a special day of worship! For more information, you can visit the “Harmony By the Bay” page on Facebook.
The ladies of Creator’s Hands will be hosting a sewing party next Saturday, June 8th from 10:00 am—4:00 pm (come as you can!). The goal will be to finish the weighted blankets for Rennes East, which help residents with anxiety and sleep issues. No need to be a sewing master to join in; all are welcome and greatly appreciated! Lunch will be provided for this event. For questions, contact Diane Nelson.
Ladies and young ladies, come join us for our 11-week summer bible study, “Fully Alive.” We will be meeting Wednesday evenings, starting this Wednesday, June 5th, from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Fireside Room.
To sign up for this study, fill out the insert in this Sunday's bulletin or contact Kim Frederiksen at 715-923-9113 or
To sign up for this study, fill out the insert in this Sunday's bulletin or contact Kim Frederiksen at 715-923-9113 or
This Sunday, June 2nd, we will be taking our benevolent offering, which serves to help those in and out of our church body with unexpected financial needs. If you would like to give to this fund, please mark your giving as "benevolence" so it can be allocated appropriately. Thank you!
The Sporos & Kairos youth groups will be having their annual lock in on May 31st-June 1st. Drop off is 7:00 pm and pick up will be 8:00 am. Please contact Bethany Salzman with any questions!
Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step program meeting Thursday nights at 6:30 pm (6:00 pm, starting June 6th) (large group) & 7:30 pm (7:00 pm, starting June 6th) (optional small group) that helps those who struggle with habits such as alcoholism, divorce, abuses of all kinds, co-dependency, domestic violence, rage, drug addiction, mental health, sexual addiction, food addictions, physical struggles or disease, death of a loved one and more. As we grow spiritually and we are freed from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits we develop a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and others.
For more information about this ministry contact:
Mark and Martha Henson (715-245-1321)
Bill and Cindy Verschay (715-732-0162)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Ladies and young ladies, come join us for our 11-week summer bible study, “Fully Alive.” We will be meeting Wednesday evenings, starting June 5th, from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Fireside Room.
In this eye-opening book, Susie Larson shows us how intertwined our emotional, spiritual, and physical health are. Spiritual difficulties can have physical consequences, and physical illnesses can have emotional and even spiritual ramifications. So in order for true healing to occur, it must happen holistically--mind, body, and spirit.
Providing a fresh vision of what a flourishing life is, Susie shares practical, biblical ways to
· replace defeating thoughts with redemptive ones
· overcome stress and embrace God's peace
· deal with the "I can'ts" embedded in our souls
· trade unhealthy habits for new life-giving practices
We cannot keep ignoring the mental and/or emotional symptoms that are trying to get our attention. Fully Alive is an uplifting guide for anyone who longs to know the health, freedom, and wholeness that Jesus wants for us.
To sign up for this study, fill out the insert in this Sunday's bulletin or contact Kim Frederiksen at 715-923-9113 or
In this eye-opening book, Susie Larson shows us how intertwined our emotional, spiritual, and physical health are. Spiritual difficulties can have physical consequences, and physical illnesses can have emotional and even spiritual ramifications. So in order for true healing to occur, it must happen holistically--mind, body, and spirit.
Providing a fresh vision of what a flourishing life is, Susie shares practical, biblical ways to
· replace defeating thoughts with redemptive ones
· overcome stress and embrace God's peace
· deal with the "I can'ts" embedded in our souls
· trade unhealthy habits for new life-giving practices
We cannot keep ignoring the mental and/or emotional symptoms that are trying to get our attention. Fully Alive is an uplifting guide for anyone who longs to know the health, freedom, and wholeness that Jesus wants for us.
To sign up for this study, fill out the insert in this Sunday's bulletin or contact Kim Frederiksen at 715-923-9113 or
The Sporos & Kairos youth groups will be having their annual lock in on May 31st-June 1st. Drop off is 7:00 pm and pick up will be 8:00 am. If your youth is interested in attending, please contact Bethany Salzman by Wednesday, May 29th. Thanks!
The Gospel Project Sunday School (ages 4k-Senior High) will break for summer after this coming Sunday, May 26th. It will resume again in the fall on September 8th! 9:00 am nursery will be extended during the summer to include up to age 7. Roots Sunday School will continue to be held through the summer. For questions regarding any children's ministries, please contact Bethany Salzman at 715.551.1156.
Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step program meeting Thursday nights at 6:30 pm (large group) & 7:30 pm (optional small group) that helps those who struggle with habits such as alcoholism, divorce, abuses of all kinds, co-dependency, domestic violence, rage, drug addiction, mental health, sexual addiction, food addictions, physical struggles or disease, death of a loved one and more. As we grow spiritually and we are freed from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits we develop a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and others.
For more information about this ministry contact:
Mark and Martha Henson (715-245-1321)
Bill and Cindy Verschay (715-732-0162)
*Beginning June 6th, CR will meet at 6:00 pm and the small groups will meet at 7:00 pm.
Friday, May 17, 2019
North Shore is looking to hire a part time custodian (13 hours a week, salaried). If this is a position that interests you, please contact Brian Fowler at 715-587-9221. Printed job descriptions are available on the information table in the foyer.
Thursday, May 16, 2019

In this eye-opening book, Susie Larson shows us how intertwined our emotional, spiritual, and physical health are. Spiritual difficulties can have physical consequences, and physical illnesses can have emotional and even spiritual ramifications. So in order for true healing to occur, it must happen holistically--mind, body, and spirit.
Providing a fresh vision of what a flourishing life is, Susie shares practical, biblical ways to
· replace defeating thoughts with redemptive ones
· overcome stress and embrace God's peace
· deal with the "I can'ts" embedded in our souls
· trade unhealthy habits for new life-giving practices
We cannot keep ignoring the mental and/or emotional symptoms that are trying to get our attention. Fully Alive is an uplifting guide for anyone who longs to know the health, freedom, and wholeness that Jesus wants for us.
For questions on this study, please contact Kim Frederiksen at 715-923-9113 or
If you have crafty skills that you would like to use as an outreach to our local community or don't have any but would like to learn, Creator’s Hands would love for you to join them this Tuesday, May 21st from 6:00-8:00 pm in the downstairs dining room. For questions, please contact Diane Nelson at 248.820.3213.
This Saturday, May 18th, the Men's Ministry will be hosting a "Hang Out, Shoot Out" gathering at the Fowler Home (N3117 Bay de Noc Drive, Menominee) at 4:00 pm. There will be a short devotional, dinner provided, and a fun time of fellowship including yard games, a bonfire, and the opportunity to be part of a trap or target shoot competition. Donations of the following would be appreciated: 12 ga bird shot, clay pigeons, and .223 ammo. If able to attend, please RSVP to Brian Fowler at 715-587-9221, so he can have an accurate number for food. Men, we hope you can join us!
* If the weather is inclement, the event will be cancelled.
* If the weather is inclement, the event will be cancelled.
Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step program meeting Thursday nights at 6:30 pm (large group) & 7:30 pm (optional small group) that helps those who struggle with habits such as alcoholism, divorce, abuses of all kinds, co-dependency, domestic violence, rage, drug addiction, mental health, sexual addiction, food addictions, physical struggles or disease, death of a loved one and more. As we grow spiritually and we are freed from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits we develop a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and others.
For more information about this ministry contact:
Mark and Martha Henson (715-245-1321)
Bill and Cindy Verschay (715-732-0162)
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
It's that time of year when everyone is doing their spring cleaning and purging of unnecessary items! The church has been assisting a woman in our community who could use some items in her apartment, so if you find you have any of the following items, please let the church office know! She could use a bed (frame, box spring, and mattress - preferably double or queen), a dresser, a washing machine with gentle cycle, a TV, a small kitchen table with chairs, a vacuum cleaner, and a couch or recliner (or any comfortable chair with foot rest). Thank you!
Lake Lundgren is looking for some donations in preparation for this summer's adventure theme.These items are for the summer staff who are mostly college age sizes medium to extra large. Large sized items can be altered to fit smaller staff. Here is a list of what is needed.
- 4 pair cargo shorts (tan or brown) need a variety of sizes.
- 4 cargo shirts (tan, cream, white or brown) need a variety of sizes.
- 8 dress shirts (tan, cream, white, brown or blue) need a variety of sizes.
- 2 fishing vest (tan, green or brown) with many pockets. Would love to have 2 identical but will be happy with whatever someone has to donate!
- 2 fishing hats (Bucket type) Would love to have 2 identical but will be happy with whatever someone has to donate!
- 2 real canteens or real looking
- 2 real binoculars or real looking
- 2 real compasses or real looking
- 1 man's 3 piece suit preferable in black or very dark
- 6 men's suits, suit jackets and pants that match. Darker colors preferred.
- 7 black neckties
- 1 sailor or captains uniform
- 10 brass or gold metal buttons to make a captains shirt if we don't get one donated.
- 4 black t-shirts (size large)
- 4 black shorts (variety of sizes)
- 8 carabineers
- 1 hiker backpack
- 1 Train conductor outfit (overalls, hat)
If you have any of these items please let Kim Hohl know and either get them to her before May 20th or up to Lake Lundgren Bible camp on or before Memorial Day Work weekend. Thanks so much!
- 4 pair cargo shorts (tan or brown) need a variety of sizes.
- 4 cargo shirts (tan, cream, white or brown) need a variety of sizes.
- 8 dress shirts (tan, cream, white, brown or blue) need a variety of sizes.
- 2 fishing vest (tan, green or brown) with many pockets. Would love to have 2 identical but will be happy with whatever someone has to donate!
- 2 fishing hats (Bucket type) Would love to have 2 identical but will be happy with whatever someone has to donate!
- 2 real canteens or real looking
- 2 real binoculars or real looking
- 2 real compasses or real looking
- 1 man's 3 piece suit preferable in black or very dark
- 6 men's suits, suit jackets and pants that match. Darker colors preferred.
- 7 black neckties
- 1 sailor or captains uniform
- 10 brass or gold metal buttons to make a captains shirt if we don't get one donated.
- 4 black t-shirts (size large)
- 4 black shorts (variety of sizes)
- 8 carabineers
- 1 hiker backpack
- 1 Train conductor outfit (overalls, hat)
If you have any of these items please let Kim Hohl know and either get them to her before May 20th or up to Lake Lundgren Bible camp on or before Memorial Day Work weekend. Thanks so much!
Next Saturday, May 18th, the Men's Ministry will be hosting a "Hang Out, Shoot Out" gathering at the Fowler Home (N3117 Bay de Noc Drive, Menominee) at 4:00 pm. There will be a short devotional, dinner provided, and a fun time of fellowship including yard games, a bonfire, and the opportunity to be part of a trap or target shoot competition. Donations of the following would be appreciated: 12 ga bird shot, clay pigeons, and .223 ammo. If able to attend, please RSVP to Brian Fowler at 715-587-9221, so he can have an accurate number for food. Men, we hope you can join us!
Moms, are you looking for a place to connect and grow? Come join us for our moms group, Mom's Rally, this coming Tuesday, May 14th from 9:00-11:00 am. A great children's program is provided! For questions, contact Rebbecca Peanosky at 815.980.0917. You can also find our page on Facebook at "NSC Mom's Rally." This is our last Rally of the school year, so we hope you can join us!
This Saturday, May 11th is our NSC Spring Clean-Up Day! Bring the kids along and join us for a morning of projects around the church grounds. We will meet from 9:00 am—noon. Bring your muscles, work clothes, gloves, rake and if possible hedge trimmer, loppers, and a chain saw. Donuts and juice will be provided. We hope you can join us! Please contact Brian Fowler with any questions at 715-587-9221.
Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step program meeting Thursday nights at 6:30 pm (large group) & 7:30 pm (optional small group) that helps those who struggle with habits such as alcoholism, divorce, abuses of all kinds, co-dependency, domestic violence, rage, drug addiction, mental health, sexual addiction, food addictions, physical struggles or disease, death of a loved one and more. As we grow spiritually and we are freed from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits we develop a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and others.
For more information about this ministry contact:
Mark and Martha Henson (715-245-1321)
Bill and Cindy Verschay (715-732-0162)
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Next Saturday, May 11th is our NSC Spring Clean-Up Day! Bring the kids along and join us for a morning of projects around the church grounds. We will meet from 9:00 am—noon. Bring your muscles, work clothes, gloves, rake and if possible hedge trimmer, loppers, and a chain saw. Donuts and juice will be provided. We hope you can join us! Please contact Brian Fowler with any questions at 715-587-9221.
This Sunday, May 5th, we will be taking our benevolent offering, which serves to help those in and out of our church body with extra financial burdens. If you would like to give to this fund, please mark your giving as "benevolence" so it can be correctly allocated. Thank you!
Ladies, the Nahum study starts THIS week! If you are interested in attending, please contact Beth Horvath or Joelle Mueller, or fill out the insert in this week's bulletin.
Come join the ladies of Creator's Hands as they host a craft night called "Crafting Together" where everyone is invited to bring their craft projects to work on. If you don't have a craft, but would like to learn one, there will be supplies and mentors to help you. Occasionally, there is be a special speaker to demonstrate a craft. This is the perfect time to invite a friend, neighbor, daughter, or grandchild to attend. Crafting Together meets the first Friday of the month.
The next meeting will take place this Friday, May 3rd from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Contact Diane Nelson with any questions at or 248.828.3213.
The next meeting will take place this Friday, May 3rd from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Contact Diane Nelson with any questions at or 248.828.3213.
Celebrate Recovery is a 12 step program meeting Thursday nights at 6:30 pm (large group) & 7:30 pm (optional small group) that helps those who struggle with habits such as alcoholism, divorce, abuses of all kinds, co-dependency, domestic violence, rage, drug addiction, mental health, sexual addiction, food addictions, physical struggles or disease, death of a loved one and more. As we grow spiritually and we are freed from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits we develop a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ and others.
For more information about this ministry contact:
Mark and Martha Henson (715-245-1321)
Bill and Cindy Verschay (715-732-0162)
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